Designer. Podcaster. Artist.

The Dropcloth

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Conversations on faith + visual culture


Listen in on the most recent conversation

In this episode, Julia reveals stories of unexpected God-led transitions: moving from fear towards embracing creativity, personal walls to shared victories, and a twist on the classic east coast to west coast. <3


Why Is It Called ‘The DropCloth’?



A drop cloth is a protective sheet of fabric that comes in various materials, sizes, and thicknesses to protect surfaces and define workspaces.

The Drop Cloth Sees It All :)

Though often associated with painting, it’s a tool used across the creative disciplines of art, craft and design making it the perfect foundation to support all the creative conversations to come on this podcast.

Some other cool correlations: It’s a tool that is as easily remembered as it is forgotten, it grows more interesting with time, it holds function and beauty––protecting your floors while preserving stories and movements, it’s flexible & portable, and it spends most of its time on the floor (my favorite place to sit).

In the end, it sees it all; the triumphs, hurt & frustrations, hidden pieces, and remnants of a work in progress being molded by the creator––focal points, base layers, topcoats, beginning, middles and ends. On the Dropcloth, we get to witness the beauty of it all.